natural hair journey zanele

Natural Hair Journey: Zanele

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Zanele once thought her relaxed hair was her beauty and struggled to return to her natural texture. Now, three and a half years after transitioning, she’s a proud member of the natural hair gang.

How and why did you go natural?

I transitioned in late 2016. I was tired of burning from relaxers, and at that time my hair was breaking.

I wanted to try something new with my natural hair, because as long as I can remember, I have always had relaxed hair. It was sort of perceived as the beauty in me.

It was not easy to just cut and rock my kinky coils. It took a lot of time, but finally when I found the courage I just went ahead and cut the hair.

What is your current hair care routine?

Wash day routine once weekly (wash, deep condition, detangle, LOC method, style), hot oil treatment once monthly.

What is your favorite thing about being natural?

For me my hair is so much more. All this getting to know and understand my hair has been the most amazing and heart warming thing.

I feel like I have found my identity, my creativity and expression.

My favourite thing about being natural is learning and understanding how to care for my hair. This is important to me is because I in turn teach that to my kids. I want my kids to grow up proud of who they are and know their heritage (that’s their hair).

Every Sunday after church my daughter and I have “pamper hair Sundays” and those are the best moments I have with her. Just us together spending time taking care of our crown; I am excited to see this continue for years to come.

What are your favorite natural hair care resources?

Youtube channels Sheila Ndida, and Yolz Channel, as well as the book The Science of Black Hair.

What would you want someone who is newly natural or considering going natural to know?

Your hair is beautiful and it’s unique to you. Consider treating it with personalised care.

Spend time understanding your hair to find the right routine and products.

Health above length – this is super important.

Lastly, be consistent. Whatever you do try by all means be consistent.

Want to see more from Zanele? Follow her on Instagram or check out her YouTube channel.

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