Health & Wellness

We’ve all heard the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” But for many of us, it’s easy to brush off. We’re masters of

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My daughter went back to school today, and I’m feeling that mix of sadness and excitement that comes with the start of fall. The routine

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When I was growing up, vegetables were flavored with butter or ham hocks and there was a jar of solidified bacon grease on the back

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If you’ve heard about all the benefits of plant based diets and noticed that many fast food restaurants are now offering plant based options, you

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If you’re like most people, you're starting to think about health and wellness goals for the new year. There’s something about the transition into a new

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Diet culture is a pervasive force in our society, promoting the belief that thinness is the ideal and equating it with health and happiness. The

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Fast food is everywhere, and it can be hard to resist the convenience, not to mention the taste. And there’s nothing wrong with that once

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Whole foods are a great way to nourish your body with essential nutrients and promote overall health. But some people may find that whole foods

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There was a time when I ate bacon double cheeseburgers on a regular basis. And stopping through the drive through for a Frosty and fries

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I remember telling a friend years ago that I wanted cooking dinner to take less than five minutes. I wanted to throw a few things

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Whole foods contain essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that keep us healthy, energized, and happy.But what are whole foods, and how do they boost energy?

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I love experimenting with unconventional recipes and learning new and interesting ways to prepare food. I’ve never been a huge tofu/soy person, but it IS

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In the past, I was never an appliance person. It just felt like too much trouble to dig through my kitchen cabinets, find all the

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I often think healthy habits are like the home Dorothy was searching for in The Wiz. After all the ups and downs, twists and turns,

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If you've been following me for awhile, you know I have a major sweet tooth.Ever since I was a kid, I've loved sugary foods, including

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Over the past several years I've been blessed to see how powerful whole natural foods, and particularly plant based foods, can be in changing someone's

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Back in 2013, I found someone who seemed to have the answers to all of my health problems.I was exhausted all the time and had

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When I was in college, I decided to go vegetarian.In reality, I had just realized that meat was expensive and spaghetti was cheap. I'd fill

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There are so many myths about going plant based - some I even believed before going plant based myself.In this post, I'll break down three

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Going plant based is a big shift for most of us.If your current way of eating involves a lot of pre-packaged food and takeout like

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