destiny big chop

Big Chop Chronicles: Destiny

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Destiny is from Charlotte, North Carolina, and big chopped on December 7, 2018. Read on to learn why says she feels like a brand new woman.

What led you to the decision to big chop?

I had been getting relaxers my whole life until I did my bigchop.

My hair was unhealthy, I had a lot of heat damage, and I had a lot of shedding and breaking from my postpartum period. I believe I was suffering from postpartum alopecia.

How have you been feeling about returning to your natural hair?

I feel so amazing. I am refreshed and have an amazing glow ever since I cut my hair. I feel like a brand new woman.

What has the response been like from family and friends?

All my family members and friends were very shocked. No one really believed I would cut all my hair off, but they were all happy I let go of my damaged and unhealthy hair.

Do you have any favorite styles or products?

I have a TWA, so I love rocking finger coils. My favorite products to use are Cantu, As I Am, and Miss Jessies.

What has been your toughest hair struggle?

My toughest hair struggle will be getting used to not having long hair. Another struggle will be learning how to deal and cope with 4c hair. Mentally understanding my beauty within, and making sure I remind myself that hair doesn’t define my beauty.

What advice would you give someone considering the big chop?

I would tell other women considering going natural not to be afraid to let go of damaged or unhealthy hair. After you cut your hair, you’re going to feel even more beautiful and happy with your decision.

Also, stay consistent and have patience; don’t look at other people’s hair and feel discouraged. Everyone’s hair is different.

Are you natural for life?

Yes, I am natural for life.

To see more of Destiny’s hair journey, check out her big chop video below or follow her YouTube channel The Barnetts.

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