Share Your Big Chop Story Did you big chop? If so, we want to hear from you! Please fill in the following questionnaire to share your story. The best stories will be featured on this site! Your Email (required) Your Name (required) Country/City/State When did you do your big chop? Had you been wearing your hair relaxed up until that time? What led you to the decision to big chop? How have you been feeling about returning to your natural hair? What has the response been like from family and friends? Do you have any favorite styles or products? Are there any websites, Youtubers or Instagram pages that have helped you on your journey? What has been your toughest hair struggle, physical or mental? Are you natural for life? What advice would you give someone considering the big chop? Anything else you'd like to share? Please upload photos of your transformation Photo 1 (required) Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 Pin29ShareTweet29 Shares