Kick Your Sugar Habit to the Curb Without Feeling Deprived

Using willpower alone to fight off your sugar cravings doesn't work. 

This free guide will will help you make simple, smart choices and put you back in control.

why cut back on sugar?

  • Stop feeling so exhausted
    Break the cycle of extreme sugar highs and crashes that leave you feeling tired and sluggish
  • Feel confident in your food choices for yourself and your loved ones
    Increase your awareness of some of the biggest sources of added sugar and feel empowered to make better choices
  • Enjoy sweets without guilt
    When you cut back on unexpected sources of sugar in your everyday routine, you enjoy your favorites more because you feel good about how they fit in

Hi, I'm Kaya

I’m an online educator and coach, wife, and mom to a spirited five year old daughter.

I help busy women over 40 who want to prioritize their health but need support and accountability to make it happen.

Eating well is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family. Nourishing your body allows you to keep showing up for all of the people and places that need you.

This guide includes the swaps I've used for years to dramatically decrease sugar in my own diet. I’m sharing it with you so that can start taking steps toward your health and fitness goals!


© 2024 Naturally You!
